Tuesday 30 October 2012

dungtitled and dopamine clouds

i'm so enamoured with dragons that i pick up any odd thing that mentions them. some of the stuff is good but most of it is pretty bollocks, so you're lucky you have me to sort the good from bad! here's a few things to avoid at all costs. this, of course, is just my opinion, so if what you see is appealing to you then by all means give it a go. just don't say i didn't tell you so...

1. Reign of Fire (2002)

File:Reign of Fire movie.jpg

this movie sort of flew under the radar even though it had some pretty big names involved: Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler. i've liked each of these guys in some of their respective past roles but it's just painful to watch their overacting in this, and the cheesy lines they're given don't help. the cgi is pretty lackluster too.

it's a piss poor movie and i urge you to avoid it.

2. Merlin (2008 - ongoing)

i dare you to look at that picture, look me in the eyes and tell me it looks good. Merlin is like the lamest show on television right now and i don't know how it's still continuing. i don't know a single person who follows the show. check out how dull Kilgharrah the 'Great Dragon' looks:

it's in its fifth season now and that just flabergasts me. don't even try to watch it.

3. The Inheritance Cycle


i read half of this series and could not read a page more. i understand that the author, Christopher Paolini, was like 16 when he wrote Eragon but there's no reason for these books to be as popular as they are. Paolini is the Stephanie Meyer of dragon literature. his dragons are lame and unoriginal and don't even get me started on that god-awful film adaptation! avoid it, man.

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