Wednesday, 31 October 2012

women who love men who love drugs

here's what you've been waiting for! a list of my personal favourite dragons of all time. for repetition's sake i haven't included any of the dragons i've posted about in past posts. so without further ado, here's my top ten dankest dragons:

10. Falklor the Luck Dragon (The Neverending Story)

i loved The Neverending Story when i was young. Falkor was such a good bloke! he blew some dank blue fire and swam that sky.

9. Spyro

the first Spyro game blew my mind! the graphics were crazy good for its time. it's unfortunate that some of the latest games have fallen through.

8. Mushu (Mulan)

Mushu was the funniest thing. Eddie Murphy nailed it!

7. Pete's Dragon (Pete's Dragon)

also the most homosexual dragon but this guy was such a sweatheart.

6. Ridley (Metroid)

Metroid was the most hardest game of my childhood. it was so hype when Ridley was in Super Smash Bros. HE'S NOT A PTERODACTYL.

5. King Ghidorah

only a beast this ballin' could go toe to toe against God-damn-zilla.

4. The Fell Beast (The Lord of The Rings)

A Fell Beast Swoops - 800x548, 77kB

the dragons of the nine Nazgul. also the scariest dragons of all time. those screeches!

3. Smaug (The Hobbit)

shouts out J.R. Tolkien for coming up with two of the dankest dragons. Smaug was the real deal.

2. Shenron (Dragonball Z)

cell saga was the best saga of any tv show in history no joke. Shenron always saved the day!

1. Bruce 'The Dragon' Lee

enter the goddamn dragon. his flaming martial arts moves make up for his lack of wings. Bruce Lee was the original ganster dragon.

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