Sunday 28 October 2012

smoke ring for my halo

howdy partner! for my first 'true' post i've decided to talk about the flavour of the month: Game of Thrones. everyone's seen it, everyone loves it, and, more importantly, there is a trio of killer baby dragons.

SPOILER HO! if you're one of the four people who hasn't seen the series yet, then avert your eyes. you've been warned. 

if i recall correctly, characters mention a history of near invincible dragons, the owners of which had ruled the land. this all happened in the past though, and presently dragons are extinct. across the narrow sea, young Daenerys Targaryen gets her pretty little hands on three dragon eggs. oh, while we're on topic about the khaleesi, can someone make her shut up for chrissakes? you're very pretty and i get that you're so strong and independent but no one likes hearing your voice. it's so high and nasally and whiny and shut up. but you're very pretty so all is forgiven. okay, so Daenerys obtains these eggs and they just sort of sit there for a few episodes but at the end of season one they hatch. this, apparently, is such a big deal that the director made it the final shot.  

shouts out to the guys behind the cgi, because the dragons look pretty great. during season two the newborns get stolen by a man that Dahmer and Gacy would cower from. why does he wear so much purple make-up?

this guy eventually gets his comeuppance, and we see the dragons feed him fire. once again i must give credit to the guys that do the graphics because the fire looked ballin' and don't even get me started on how cool those white walkers looked. the wee dragons are already pretty badass and i can't wait to see how they develop in following seasons. i haven't read the novels, but my money is on Daenerys for the iron throne. once those dragons are fully grown she'll be unstoppable! 

'til next time, friendo.

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